Coral Dyeing in Okinawa

New Series: Awesome Okinawa!

Flowers such as these are so plentiful, they fall to the ground in lovely arrays

Okinawa! For a landmass so small, this little subtropical island in the East China Sea is packed with amazement.  We enjoyed the unexpected privilege of spending a total of two months there, allowing us to learn about Okinawa on a deeper level than that of a tourist, and what an enriching experience it was!

This island comes with a storied past, rich culture, incredible beauty, and fabulously delicious food. Join me these next few weeks as we explore the Japanese Prefecture of Okinawa.

Next in this Awesome Okinawa Series is: Part I: Journey to a Different World

For more adventures, please visit my Homepage!

New Orleans this summer is going to be a huge destination! Learn more about the city here!

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