September 10, 2020 New Harmony’s Graves With No Headstones and Roofless Church Question: What stands out here in this cemetery? Answer: Nothing That’s right, it’s a “graves with no headstones” cemetery! Well, at least for the… Like this:Like Loading...
September 8, 2020 New Harmony Labyrinth – A Bit of Medieval Paris in Southern Indiana!! There are actually two walk-able labyrinths in New Harmony. But how is this one related to 12th Century Paris? Read on to learn more!!… Like this:Like Loading...
September 6, 2020 Homes in New Harmony, Indiana Question: What’s missing with this circa 1822 house in New Harmony, Indiana? Read on for the answer! Members of New Harmony lived in clapboard… Like this:Like Loading...
September 3, 2020 New Harmony, Indiana: A Utopian Society A Utopian Society It’s my first visit to this endearing, historic community located in the southwest corner of Indiana! Situated along the Wabash River,… Like this:Like Loading...
August 29, 2020 My Bucket List It’s been on my bucket list for years now…to start a blog / website to share my travel and food adventures and especially photography. … Like this:Like Loading...